Using GNOSS as a platform for development? This is your point of departure. This is where you will find out how to create Semantic Web Pages starting with a simple ontology. Go from uploading content using a simple API to configuring the most complex exploitations on intuitive configuration screens: Pages with Faceted Navigation, Exporting Reports, Contexts, Related Information, Graphics, Maps... Everything is explained with enlightening examples and code made fully available to you.

GNOSS Semantic AI Platform for developers

GNOSS is also a complete CMS from which to configure your Web Pages however you like. A complete suite of components lets you display any type of information at any point on the Web. You will be able to edit views code and fine-tune your web page to meet your exact needs.

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GNOSS Semantic AI Platform for developers -- GNOSS Semantic AI Platform

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

GNOSS lives in the cloud. GNOSS is the cloud. Work from any location or on any device with the guarantee that your product will benefit from everything being in the cloud has to offer.

All of this was unheard of until now: a continuous integration and release management system that allows you to try anything you like in a testing environment, then send it on to production when it’s ready, with just one click.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) -- Continuous Integration

Practical examples

Here are practical examples for getting the best performance out of your data.

Practical examples -- Practical examples

GNOSS Sandbox

We give you a Sandbox where you can put your applications and the web services you need to the test. Load data, send emails, execute hook scripts... anything you need to do can be stored here.

GNOSS Sandbox -- Sandbox

GNOSS Software Development Kit

We know that working with a new API can be a chore. That’s why we have the GNOSS Software Development Kit. It has everything you need to make working with GNOSS API fast and easy.

GNOSS Software Development Kit -- SDK

GNOSS Semantic AI Platform Developer Acreditation

La acreditación en GNOSS te certifica como GNOSS Knowledge Graph Builder Developer. Serás capaz de crear Grafos de Conocimiento apoyados en una o varias ontologías y de sacarle el máximo partido a tus datos a través de múltiples explotaciones que se expresan en páginas web.

Con GNOSS Knowledge Graph Builder Developer tendrás el control total sobre el HTML, una amplia gama de opciones de visualización de los datos, un completo CMS y un conjunto de controles predefinidos fácilmente configurables. Todo ello guiado por medio de las sencillas páginas de configuración que ofrece GNOSS Knowledge Graph Builder (el framework de desarrollo de GNOSS). También dispondrás de un acceso por FTP a las vistas de la aplicación Web y a los contenidos estáticos de la página (estilos, javascript...).

El trabajo que realices sobre GNOSS Knowledge Graph Builder se subirá automáticamente a un repositorio de control de versiones, que integra herramientas de despliegue automatizado. Pasarás todo tu trabajo de desarrollo a producción en pocos pasos y sin perder el sueño.

GNOSS Semantic AI Platform Developer Acreditation -- Acreditation

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